Saturday, April 14, 2018

Supplemental Post #5 - Giuliana Petrocelli

In the Negron-Muntaner reading, the piece opens with a discussion of how the viewing experience
of the movie Selena created a mixed feeling of watching the story of Selena, but also the actress
Jennifer Lopez. A line from the reading says, “Regardless of how hard I tried, I did not see Selena.
I either saw Jennifer Lopez and Selena, phantasmagorically juxtaposed as if on a glass surface, or
simplemente Jennifer.” This is a clear description of the blend between character and celebrity that can
occur while watching a film. Personally, I have always questioned whether this blend is beneficial to
movies or not, thinking strictly from a narrative point of view. While I have favorite actors and actresses,
I feel like this can detract from the viewing experience when we are too aware of the persona onscreen.
Last week in Film Symposium, I thought of this connection when we watched the film A Quiet Place with
John Krasinsky. Throughout the movie, I felt like I was watching Krasinsky, his character in the movie,
and Jim from The Office at the same time. Do you enjoy recognizing talented actors in film? Or, do the
most talented erase themselves in a work? I have thought about this frequently, but have not reached a
conclusion yet.

I thought I would share this video that shows how mixed everyone was feeling about their views of
Krasinsky - a mashup of A Quiet Place and The Office.

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