Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Supplemental post #4 - Michael Luisi

I wanted to talk about a bit of a heavier topic for my supplemental post. I'm sure most have you have heard about what happened in Canada, with the Humboldt Bronco's bus crashing into a tractor trailer resulting in 15 dead and fatally injuring at least a dozen more.

I just wanted to say like many others have I am absolutely heartbroken about this tragedy, amidst a time when shootings are happening left and right, resulting in people fighting about gun control and mental illness, it's just gut wrenching to see a story like this. I can't even imagine what these families are going through sending their kids off to junior hockey hoping they can help make their path to the NHL only to have life cut short at a moments notice. This hits very close to home as I grew up in area where hockey was huge. Many of my friends play in these juniors leagues, so it's tough to fathom thinking that this easily could have been them.

However in light of this tragedy, I am amazed by the collateral beauty that has occurred. I have never in my life seen such brave teenagers, many have lost some of their closest teammates but they keep fighting. The photo below says everything you need to know about hockey, you are supposed to give you entire body until it gives out and then your teammates will pick you up from the ice. Off the ice they are all picking each other up and showing the unbreakable bond formed.

Another inspiring example of courage is Ryan Straschnitzki, the 18 year old was told he would never be able to skate again. Instead of being defeated about how his life had been turned upside down by an unfair fate of chance, he accepted his fate and wants to make the most of it. Ryan has already set his goal to become a member of the Olympic Sled Hockey team, this is a level of courage, dedication and maturity that I can only one day hope to achieve.

 People from all over Canada and America have reached out to help the survivors in as many ways as possible from more sentimental ways like leaving hockey sticks outside their doors in case these boys need them on the ice in heaven.

From more physical ways like donating to their Go Fund Me, which is set to help aid the families of those who have suffered from this horrible crash.

Unfortunately this is a horrible tragedy in what seems like has been a long line in the past few months. However it gives me hope seeing us finally come together to help those experiencing this pain, rather than trying to assign blame for those who have passed.

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