Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Supplement Post # 4- Madeline Virga

Today the trailer for the Mr. Rogers documentary, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, was released and I can't stop watching it. When I was little, I watched Mr. Rogers almost every day, but that was because my parents were a fan of his--my father would sometimes even put on his own cardigan when we watched. This got me thinking, what has made Mr. Rogers withstand all the years? And what was it about this kind, wonderful man that made him such a star?
From the tall, lanky body, the docksiders, to the famous cardigans Mr. Rogers was iconic. His persona on and off screen was a man who exuded generosity, compassion, and preached of love. This seemingly innocent man also pushed boundaries and revolutionized TV. His show Mister Rogers Neighborhood was centered around a low budget set, and a man who talks for most of the time. For many studios, this would not have thought to have bread success. Rogers also talked about topics such as death, divorce, and assassination, which is unheard of for a children's show.
Maybe his stardom is attributed to his soft smile, sweet nature, and oddly soothing voice. As I continue to watch the trailer over and over again, it seems much more than that. Fred Rogers is somehow able to make each and every one of his messages individual and worldly. Like he is sitting and talking with only you, but the message can be applied to everyone in the world. He made you feel like a loved individual while addressing the whole world. In an interview with Charlie Rose, Rogers was asked how many kids he thinks he has influenced. Rogers response is atypical, as he states that he doesn't care how many kids, "even if it's just one." He continues by saying that society gets to caught up in numbers, but the most important thing is that "we are able to be one to one-- me and you." Or maybe his message of love is something the world needs again. Or maybe his message of love is something the world needs again.
This unconventional, uncontradictory man became a star and one that is still beloved today. He wasn't like most celebrities, and for that, I think might be one answer to the puzzle. Whatever the answer is I have learned that stardom is unpredictable. As a man who is just himself talking to children about life can be come and American icon. So I will leave you with the beautiful trailer of what will be an equally wonderful movie. Warning you may cry, but of happy tears.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I actually saw this trailer last night and, as you mentioned, it was very moving and inspirational on many levels. I think that in the current state that the United States is in right now the timing of this movie could't be more fitting especially if it is able to inspire or influence just one person, celebrity or common person, to take a journey down the road less traveled just as Mr. Rogers did in order to spread and convey a message.

    Also, I don't know if you've heard but there is also a biopic coming out as well. He's being played by Tom Hanks and I think that both the doc and the biopic will really give an insight to who Mr. Rogers really was and how much he meant before most really knew it.
