Thursday, April 26, 2018

Supplemental Post 7

So we're gonna verge a little too far on the personal edge for this post, but it's a blog and I'm actually geeking out on this. Skins UK raised me growing up. Like that was my show. I've watched it all the way through probably 5 times. And of Skins UK, my favorite character has always been and will be Cook. James fucking Cook. (Sorry for the cursing but if you watch the show you'll get the reference). Cook was my childhood crush, he was my everything. There are so many things I watch now just because the actor, Jack O'Connell, is in them. Anyway, so I met Jack O'Connell about a week ago and we've been texting. I saw him at the Standard as I was walking out and after recognizing him I completely fangirled like I would do for no other celebrity and ran up telling him all about how in love I was with his work. Then awkwardly left because I felt weird for professing my love to a stranger. As we continued to walk out I just realized I had to go full force so I turned back around and asked for his number. Since then we've been texting a good amount yet I've unfortunately had to decline all plans to get drinks, go surfing, etc. I know, a bummer. But now I'm realizing I will literally be so disappointed once we do hang out because the thing is, he is not James fucking Cook... he's Jack O'Connell. What made Cook wasn't his looks, which really aren't that present, it was his personality. And his personality was all pretend. It's so hard not to blur the line between star and character, which I'm feeling way too hard this week.

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