Monday, April 16, 2018

Supplemental Post #7: Returning to Ape Fandom

I've posted about the anniversary celebrations about Planet of the Apes before, but I really wanted to share an experience I had this weekend. On Saturday, I was able to attend a workshop with both Terry Notary (the movement coach for the Apes Reboot Franchise & the actor behind Rocket) and Karin Konoval (who played Maurice). Terry led a workshop in Ape Behavior, teaching a group of 12-14 of us how to get into character as apes and even walk like them (he brought special crutches for us to use and move around in), while Karin taught about 15-18 people about exploring characters and creating specific storylines/events in your mind. What was amazing about each workshop was how personable and friendly they were; they were there to have fun and be engaged with us, to the point that I almost forgot that they were celebrities (almost) and interacted with them like I would would anybody else I might meet. Also, each of their workshops were so personable and about getting everybody engaged in what they were trying to teach; both of them worked hard to help us realize small goals within the workshop.
The following day, I then got to see these individuals again, but this time on a panel to discuss their work, along with some of their colleagues, in the reboot series. While they were still the same people, they were almost separated again, if that makes sense. The change from an interactive and informal experience to a formal one is unique, and, while the personalities of the two didn't change, it did feel interesting to feel the different tone of the room.
All in all, it was a fun experience to interact with these groups of people over the weekend.

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