Thursday, April 26, 2018

Supplemental Post #7 - Giuliana Petrocelli

I thought that some interesting points were touched upon in class today about the female body and sexuality. When a woman sexualizes herself, is it an expression of power or is she participating in the objectification of herself? By no means should women avoid wanting to look good (whatever that means to them), if they want to, but on the other hand, how much of that is dictated by men? In the end does it matter? Perhaps what matters is simple respect for other people and how they want to present themselves. Then, maybe, we could have a society where people aren't attacked and harassed for however they display themselves.

I though that Kim's perfume bottle post was an interesting one to include with this post.

With her caption about taking a mold of her body for her latest perfume, it seems as if she's taking an opportunity to post another nude, but also using it as a great marketing strategy. She is definitely using sex and our current beauty standard for her own monetary gains.

What's interesting about Kim's image is that she is a savvy businesswoman (based on her successes), but that this is not the image that she projects. Is that a conscious choice? Is this because she knows that sex sells? Or is it because our culture cannot accept that a businesswoman would post nude photos, therefore largely forgetting how smart Kim and all the Kardashians are in building their empire?

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