Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Supplemental Post #3 - Madison Lorenz


This past weekend, I was at the coffee shop Go Get Em Tiger in Los Feliz with my brother and my mom. In the middle of us chatting, my brother interrupted and said under his breath, "That's Dave Franco." I looked to my right to see the handsome younger Franco brother walking up to the counter to order a coffee. He sat down and spent a good amount of time there, however he made it clear he didn't want to be noticed by the way he was sitting. In moments like this, one wonders whether they should casually say something or not without fan-girling or if they should just let them be. More often than not, I don't say anything seeing how they most likely don't want to be bothered and get that kind of attention all the time. Then there's the other half of the contemplation that makes you feel like you should just quickly say something so that you can proudly brag to your friends that you met Dave Franco and spoke to him. Maybe it was his body language or the fact that not one person went up to him, but I decided to just admire his beauty from afar.
As we left the coffee shop, I mentioned to my family that it was interesting to me that he chose to spend so much time, maybe even doing work, at a coffee shop instead of the comfort of his own home. It's understandable that someone like Dave Franco, although a celebrity, is another human like us who wants to get out and about and spend time at coffee shops. However, he also seemed so opposed to being noticed by the way he was covering his face that it makes me wonder why he'd even take the risk of being bombarded by fans. I also found it interesting that no one ever went up to him and said anything when there were so many chances to do so. I guess living in LA means there's somewhat of an etiquette when it comes to spotting a celebrity!

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