Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Core Post #2- Michael Luisi

Out of all of the articles I have read for this class, its safe to say this may be the most ridiculous of the bunch. This piece of writing just feels like a race-baiting piece, as Bell Hook’s opinion tends to run all over the place and she has a clear disdain for Madonna for rather weak reasons.

To start off, I just want to agree with Hooks in saying that every little stunt Madonna did was for attention and she is rather annoying and pretentious. However some of her acts, stunts or attitudes came of as racist in the gaze of certain viewers, but to me it didn't seem like she appropriated culture in any way shape or form. But since Bell seems to believe that what she did was racist, I want discuss these controversial acts and actually determine if they are full of prejudice or if this is just a giant stretch. 

First off lets start off with Madonna’s ethnic background, her grandparents are Italian immigrants. While I’m sure the writer wouldn’t think twice about labeling her as white, in America for a very long time Italians weren’t considered white. They were deemed minorities, and faced their fair share of racism and prejudice while living in this country. So to deem her as a white supremacist because she wanted to be black as a child but had the look of a blonde white woman is in fact racist. Also can you blame Madonna, look at how much cooler black culture is than white culture. Dave Chappelle covered the stereotypical white person better than anyone that I can think of because of how accurate it is. I mean who would you rather idolize/imitate, Biggie Smalls or Joey Fatone…… Frankly it seems like she is making the culture more inclusive to all people rather than make it exclusive to one ethnic group.

Which brings me to my next point, the use of the crotch grabbing, I don’t know if Bell Hook has ever spoken to a man about the way genitalia is used in straight male culture, but we don’t go around whipping our junk out to see who has the biggest one. There is way too much homophobia for us too even consider the idea of doing that, secondly the use of the crotch grab may signify power but what does it have to do with black masculinity? If anything it has to do with power, the idea of having someone submit to you genitalia is the ultimate form of power as the writer discusses, but to say its an act of white inferiority is ridiculous.

For example lets use football a sport, known for its masculinity. This year there was a matchup between Oklahoma (9-1) and Kansas (1-9), during the coin toss Oklahoma’s quarterback/captain Baker Mayfield went to go shake the opposing players hands and they refused. 
Baker then proceeded to light them up, and celebrated by taunting them with that very gesture. While people were offended as it was an inappropriate gesture, no one person made it about race.Image result for baker mayfield crotch grab

So back to Madonna, saying that she is imitating black masculinity is once again ridiculous, then listing Michael Jackson and Prince as her inspiration for this masculinity. While these two were fantastic talents in their own rights, neither of them oozed masculinity.

It seems like Bell missed the whole point of what Madonna was trying to accomplish, her goal was to create shock and awe by pushing the envelope on what society deemed acceptable. Whether it be making biracial videos, or promoting homosexuality or any forms of sexuality for that matter, she gave many who felt powerless feel like they could embrace who they are and live their life to the fullest extent. She should be lauded for her desire to promote breaking the standard, even if it was just for her public figure, as in doing so she accomplished a lot.

Its clear her goal worked, as her work is never forgotten, it can be seen attempted to be recreated by Lady Gaga in hopes of one day trying to be nearly as popular as she was.

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