Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Supplemental Post 4 - Tucker Rayl

On Sunday I watched Anderson Cooper's interview with Stormy Daniels on 60 Minutes, helping it become the most watched episode of the show in over 10 years. You're welcome, CBS. What I found really fascinating about the interview is that Stormy didn't seem to have any motive behind the interview besides taking control of the story and her own image. Now that everyone pretty much knows about her affair with Trump, NDA withstanding or not, she hasn't had an opportunity to input her voice into the ether.

The story Stormy laid out in the interview was not all that revelatory, given nearly all the information she shared was already widely known (besides Trump's obsession with Shark Week and that he responds well to being spanked). Their relationship only spanned three in-person meetings.

But Stormy's goal in sitting down to be interviewed by Cooper seemed to be image control. I think she is seen as either a victim of Trump's sexual misconduct, or that she is a money-hungry attention seeker. Throughout the interview she referenced the fact that she wasn't a victim - she consented to everything (although it seemed that Trump used his status to coerce her). She repeated that she didn't want to ever sell her story because of how it would affect her child. But now that everything is out there anyway, she's out to set the record straight.

Stormy seemed like a woman who feels all alone, that no one understands her point of view on the affair, and that she sees everyone trying to exploit her. In my favorite moment of the interview, Cooper asked "have you gained anything from telling your story?" And Stormy responded absolutely not - 60 Minutes didn't even buy her breakfast.

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