Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Supplemental Post #4 - Ali Appelbaum

I think the Elvis culture is very odd. I can’t imagine wrapping my life up in a celebrity to the degree both of these articles talked about. I have been part of a fandom, and let me tell you they are intense, but I can’t imagine choosing to participate in anything near the Elvis culture described. When the show Pretty Little Liars began, I became VERY obsessed with Lucy Hale. I stalked her social media. I inquired about her life. I checked media published about her. I ran a twitter account dedicated to her and met other fans. I even went to several events where I could see her live and meet her. But, getting wrapped up in this fandom got pretty weird for me. Some of the people I met were so obsessive, it was creepy, more along the lines of the Elvis cult. They would literally stalk Lucy. And, once I got pulled along. A few of the girls I met through the fandom somehow figured out how to call different airlines and track Lucy’s flights. They would show up at the airport and wait for her when she landed. I went once, I’m not sure why, mostly because I didn’t believe they could actually figure out the flights. Well, they actually could, and it was weird. After that, I drew the line and cut myself off from that world. There is a difference between being a fan and being a stalker. There is a difference between being a fan by appreciating someone’s work and losing your own individuality and autonomy because your world is so consumed with a celebrity. The latter is what my friends were and what the Elvis cult is. The Elvis fans put him on such a pedestal that they are personally offended when someone doesn’t share their admiration for him. That’s strange. I wonder about these kinds of people. Typically, when I pay attention to a celebrity, which is pretty rare aside from Lucy Hale, I pay attention because they have done some work I admire or wish to aspire to myself. I admire their craftsmanship, but I’m not interested in their lives outside of that. I don’t like following celebrities on instagram. I don’t know them, so I don’t care to see what they’re doing, it means nothing to me. But, the Elvis fans create shrines to their hero. They are interested in every detail of his life. They are interested in living like him. They are interested in living for him. It seems to me that if you’re going to prioritize a celebrity over yourself, you must be terribly lacking something in your life. I hate when celebrities are put on pedestals just for being a celebrity. Celebrities are just people and I hate that we choose to make other people more important or special than ourselves.

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