Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Benjamin Noble - Supplemental Post 1

On Pg. 13 in the Dyer reading for this week, it quoted Boorstin talking about how stars "appear meaningful but are in fact empty of meaning" (Dyer, 13). Though I don't necessarily agree with the notion that all stars/celebrities we hold as role models/heroes are without any meaning, it did make me think about the idea of how, sometimes, a stars image is very often controlled and maintained for the sake of keeping their 'star' status alive, and how this image may not actually be them, if that makes sense. Though I confess to not having a lot of knowledge of many celebrities doing this, especially today, I am curious if anybody knows any particular cases with stars, either past or present, who have had a lot of control over their image, to the point that who they actually are is completely different than who they present themselves as.

1 comment:

  1. Some examples of this are the closeted stars of the past (like Rock Hudson) whose persona was a womanizing playboy but who was, in reality, gay. We'll also get at this a bit with Marilyn Monroe.
