Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Supplemental Post 1 - Madison Lorenz

This past weekend my friend and I got on the topic of who we consider to be celebrities and who we consider just to be "well-known" but not necessarily a celebrity in our eyes. It was interesting to hear her take in comparison to mine. One of the things that she mentioned is that she has a nine year old brother who views YouTube personalities as celebrities. For me, that was funny to hear because when I think "celebrity" I think of Angelina Jolie and I never felt YouTube personalities were at the same rank as someone like Angelina. She said that she was having a conversation at the dinner table with her family and she mentioned that one of her friends is friends with a YouTube personality. Her brother went crazy and started asking a million questions. He was so in awe of learning this fact. This just goes to show how different generations and age groups have different definitions of what a celebrity, or star, is.
I then when on to ask her if she views certain social media personalities, or influencers, as celebrities. She admitted that she would get star-struck by certain Instagram and YouTube personalities and feels that they are up to the standard of a celebrity. On the other hand, I would have to disagree. There are some social media influencers that I feel are "popular" but not necessarily "famous." To me, celebrities are people who are recognized and known amongst different countries and are embraced by groups of people from all over the world. An American Instagram influencer may have some followers from other countries, but most likely if you stopped someone on the street in Europe, they would know who Britney Spears is but they wouldn't know who this influencer is.
I thought this conversation was fun and it was cool getting a different perspective on this topic from someone who isn't involved in the entertainment world.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Now, I'm starting to feel old. Can there already be a generation gap between us and kids in high school!
